Parish Mission and Constitution Statement
Constitution St. Joseph/St. Paul Catholic Churches
Mission Statement
St. Joseph and St. Paul Catholic Parishes form a Eucharistic community, called together in Christ through Baptism. Our mission in the World is to live out the Gospel, to promote evangelization, stewardship, and community building.
A Pastoral Council is a parochial structure consisting of representative members of the Parish who form one body with the Pastor in fulfilling the Church’s ministry. A Pastoral Council is the result of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) emphasis on the role of the laity. The texts of Vatican Council II stress the collaboration of clergy and faithful in the evangelization and sanctification tasks of the Church.
Theologically, the right and duty of the laity to participate in Pastoral Councils are founded in the grace of Baptism and Confirmation. (See Vatican II, decree Apostolicam, Actuositatem, 3, Acta Apostolicae Sedis 58 (1966).
Born out of the need for co-responsible leadership, the Pastoral Council is the focus for the effective participation of clergy and laity in the total mission of the Parish as called for in Vatican II.
Conscious of God’s blessings upon these Parish Communities of St. Paul and St. Joseph Churches and in keeping with the documents of the Second Vatican Council, the directives of the Bishop of Belleville, and under the guidance and approval of our Pastor we, the members of the Pastoral Council, do hereby adopt this Constitution.
Section 1 The organization is to be known as the Pastoral Council of St. Joseph/St. Paul Catholic Churches, Williamson County, Illinois, hereinafter known as the “Council.”
Section 2 The Council is concerned with every aspect of parish life: evangelization, stewardship and community building. The Council is a consultative body which sets direction and advises the Pastor on all aspects of parish life.
Section 3 The advisory functions of the Council will at all times be subject to the approval of the Bishop of Belleville and the Pastor.
Membership on the Council is open to all practicing registered Catholics who support their respective parish on a regular basis and are at least eighteen (18) years of age. Spouses, children and parents of parish employees or current Council members are ineligible to serve on the Council.
The Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, and Secretary. The offices of President and Vice-President shall rotate between the parishes on an annual basis. Both offices are not to be occupied by members of a single parish. Council Officers shall be elected on an annual basis during the first regular meeting of the Council following the annual election, and at other times whenever a vacancy occurs.
Regular meetings of the Council are normally held once each calendar month. Special meetings may be called by the Pastor.
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed during any regular monthly meeting of the Council and will be acted upon at the next regular meeting. Amendments shall require a two-thirds majority of the entire Council for their adoption.
Section 1. The Council is concerned with every aspect of parish life; it is generally concerned with planning, setting direction and establishing policy, leaving the administration to the Pastor and pastoral team. The Council, generally, is a consultative body which sets direction and advises the Pastor on all aspects of parish life.
Section 2. The advisory and administrative functions of the Council will at all times be subject to the approval of the Bishop and Pastor. As changes occur in the Canon Law, Synodal or Diocesan regulations, the purpose and functions of the Council may change.
Section 1. The Council will consist of the Pastor and eight elected members consisting of four parishioners from St. Joseph Church and four parishioners from St. Paul Church and one appointed member. The appointed member will be selected by the Pastor and can be selected from either church. Ex officio members shall include: the Deacon, the Coordinators of Religious Education, Coordinator of Parish Ministries, the Coordinator of Youth Ministry, and the trustees of each parish. Ex officio members are ineligible to be elected to the Council will have voice but no voting rights.
Section 2. Previously elected members of both the St. Paul and St. Joseph Parish/Pastoral Councils shall serve out the remainder of their terms on the newly formed Pastoral Council. Each newly elected member will have a three year term and elections will follow a three year cycle. Three Council members will be elected in two consecutive calendar years starting in 2017 (two for St. Paul one at St. Joseph Churches) three additional Council members will be elected in 2018 (two from St. Joseph Church and one from St. Paul Church) and two Council members will be elected (one from each parish) in the third year of the cycle. The cycle repeats thereafter. Council members may be elected to one consecutive term. If a member elects to run for another three year term, he/she must be nominated and voted on in a regular election. If a member serves for two consecutive terms, there must be a one-year absence before that member can be nominated again.
Section 3. The appointed member is appointed by the Pastor to serve for one year. The appointment may be renewed up to three years. There must be a one-year absence before that member may be reappointed.
Section 4. Any vacancy, other than by expiration of term of office, will be filled by the Pastor and the respective trustees of the parish wherein the vacancy occurs.
Section 5. An Election Committee will be appointed by the Council to include a minimum of the Pastor and three members of the Council, none of whom is a candidate. Their duties shall include but are not limited to:
a. Collect the nominees’ names;
b. Prepare a priority list of all the nominees
c. Contact the nominees to confirm their willingness to serve;
d. Prepare the ballot;
e. Distribute the ballots;
f. Tally the votes.
Section 6. Elections shall be conducted according to the following parameters:
Section 1. The Officers will consist of a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary. The Officers will perform the customary duties of their respective office as follows:
A. The President
The President shall conduct the regular meetings of the Council. This includes preparing the agenda with the Pastor and making the arrangements for all special meetings.
B. The Vice-President
The Vice-President shall have the power and authority to perform all the functions and duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to perform such duties.
C. The Secretary
The Secretary will record minutes of all Council meetings which will become official after approval by the Council. The minutes will be published and made available after approval by the Council.
Section 2. The Officers are to be elected at the January Council meeting following the annual election. The term of office will be one year or until new Officers have been elected and installed.
Section 3. If any Officer other than the President vacates an office, the Council will elect another member of the Council to fill the unexpired term. In the event the President vacates the office, the Vice-President shall complete the unexpired term of the President. In the event the Vice-President or the Secretary vacates the office, a new officer will be elected to complete the unexpired term.
Section 1 All Council meetings will begin with appropriate prayer and reflection.
Section 2. The meeting will be at the St. Paul Parish Center or the St. Joseph Family Life Center or another location. The location of meetings will be designated by the Pastor.
Section 3. The meetings will be held at an agreed-upon time set by the Council.
Section 4. A simple majority of voting members constitutes a quorum of the Council
Section 5. Decisions of the Council will be made by a simple majority vote in the presence of a quorum.
Section 6. Each Council member shall be entitled to one vote. Proxy voting is not permitted.
Section 7. Regular attendance at all meetings is vitally important for the effective functioning of the Council. In the event any member is unable to attend a designated meeting, he/she shall notify the President or the Pastor in advance of the meeting. In the event any member has three absences in one calendar year, the Council will review the circumstances and may terminate membership of said member.
Section 8. Parishioners are welcomed and encouraged to attend all Council meetings excluding closed sessions. Visitors will not have the right to vote on items under consideration. Public comments will be welcome at the beginning of each meeting. The time allotted for public comment will be at the discretion of the President.
Section 9. The Council will provide for and arrange meetings of all parishioners as necessary.
Section 1. The adoption of the Pastoral Council By-Laws will require a two-thirds majority of the Council.
Section 2. A proposed amendment may be submitted and discussed at any regular meeting of the Council. Voting on the proposed amendment will take place at the next scheduled Council meeting. A two-thirds majority of the Council is required for an amendment to the By-Laws.
Section 1. Standing Committees are established to broaden the involvement of all parishioners and should reflect the Parish Partnership Mission and the following goals: to promote evangelization, stewardship and community building. A sense of cooperation between all committees should be fostered, resulting in a coordinated effort for total programming in the parishes. Standing Committees are the working arm of the Council. They are subordinate bodies that administer policies set forth by the Council. The Council will monitor and coordinate all Committee activities. Each standing and ad hoc committee will have a chairperson approved by the Council and as many members as deemed necessary.
Committees are created or eliminated, as needed, by a majority vote of the Council. Each committee will have a chairperson approved by the Council and as many members as deemed necessary for effective function.
A. Chairpersons are responsible for keeping the Council informed of their activities and submitting any budget requirements needed to function effectively. They shall also be available for Council meetings when requested or have another committee member present in the event they are unavailable.
B. Chairpersons shall maintain open lines of communication with the Diocesan agencies pertaining to their areas of responsibility.
Section 1. The Council meeting shall be conducted in an orderly manner and for the most part will follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
We the undersigned members of the Pastoral Council of St. Joseph/St. Paul Catholic Churches on the thirty-first day of January in the year of Our Lord two thousand and seventeen do hereby adopt this Constitution:
Mission Statement
St. Joseph and St. Paul Catholic Parishes form a Eucharistic community, called together in Christ through Baptism. Our mission in the World is to live out the Gospel, to promote evangelization, stewardship, and community building.
A Pastoral Council is a parochial structure consisting of representative members of the Parish who form one body with the Pastor in fulfilling the Church’s ministry. A Pastoral Council is the result of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) emphasis on the role of the laity. The texts of Vatican Council II stress the collaboration of clergy and faithful in the evangelization and sanctification tasks of the Church.
Theologically, the right and duty of the laity to participate in Pastoral Councils are founded in the grace of Baptism and Confirmation. (See Vatican II, decree Apostolicam, Actuositatem, 3, Acta Apostolicae Sedis 58 (1966).
Born out of the need for co-responsible leadership, the Pastoral Council is the focus for the effective participation of clergy and laity in the total mission of the Parish as called for in Vatican II.
Conscious of God’s blessings upon these Parish Communities of St. Paul and St. Joseph Churches and in keeping with the documents of the Second Vatican Council, the directives of the Bishop of Belleville, and under the guidance and approval of our Pastor we, the members of the Pastoral Council, do hereby adopt this Constitution.
Section 1 The organization is to be known as the Pastoral Council of St. Joseph/St. Paul Catholic Churches, Williamson County, Illinois, hereinafter known as the “Council.”
Section 2 The Council is concerned with every aspect of parish life: evangelization, stewardship and community building. The Council is a consultative body which sets direction and advises the Pastor on all aspects of parish life.
Section 3 The advisory functions of the Council will at all times be subject to the approval of the Bishop of Belleville and the Pastor.
Membership on the Council is open to all practicing registered Catholics who support their respective parish on a regular basis and are at least eighteen (18) years of age. Spouses, children and parents of parish employees or current Council members are ineligible to serve on the Council.
The Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, and Secretary. The offices of President and Vice-President shall rotate between the parishes on an annual basis. Both offices are not to be occupied by members of a single parish. Council Officers shall be elected on an annual basis during the first regular meeting of the Council following the annual election, and at other times whenever a vacancy occurs.
Regular meetings of the Council are normally held once each calendar month. Special meetings may be called by the Pastor.
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed during any regular monthly meeting of the Council and will be acted upon at the next regular meeting. Amendments shall require a two-thirds majority of the entire Council for their adoption.
Section 1. The Council is concerned with every aspect of parish life; it is generally concerned with planning, setting direction and establishing policy, leaving the administration to the Pastor and pastoral team. The Council, generally, is a consultative body which sets direction and advises the Pastor on all aspects of parish life.
Section 2. The advisory and administrative functions of the Council will at all times be subject to the approval of the Bishop and Pastor. As changes occur in the Canon Law, Synodal or Diocesan regulations, the purpose and functions of the Council may change.
Section 1. The Council will consist of the Pastor and eight elected members consisting of four parishioners from St. Joseph Church and four parishioners from St. Paul Church and one appointed member. The appointed member will be selected by the Pastor and can be selected from either church. Ex officio members shall include: the Deacon, the Coordinators of Religious Education, Coordinator of Parish Ministries, the Coordinator of Youth Ministry, and the trustees of each parish. Ex officio members are ineligible to be elected to the Council will have voice but no voting rights.
Section 2. Previously elected members of both the St. Paul and St. Joseph Parish/Pastoral Councils shall serve out the remainder of their terms on the newly formed Pastoral Council. Each newly elected member will have a three year term and elections will follow a three year cycle. Three Council members will be elected in two consecutive calendar years starting in 2017 (two for St. Paul one at St. Joseph Churches) three additional Council members will be elected in 2018 (two from St. Joseph Church and one from St. Paul Church) and two Council members will be elected (one from each parish) in the third year of the cycle. The cycle repeats thereafter. Council members may be elected to one consecutive term. If a member elects to run for another three year term, he/she must be nominated and voted on in a regular election. If a member serves for two consecutive terms, there must be a one-year absence before that member can be nominated again.
Section 3. The appointed member is appointed by the Pastor to serve for one year. The appointment may be renewed up to three years. There must be a one-year absence before that member may be reappointed.
Section 4. Any vacancy, other than by expiration of term of office, will be filled by the Pastor and the respective trustees of the parish wherein the vacancy occurs.
Section 5. An Election Committee will be appointed by the Council to include a minimum of the Pastor and three members of the Council, none of whom is a candidate. Their duties shall include but are not limited to:
a. Collect the nominees’ names;
b. Prepare a priority list of all the nominees
c. Contact the nominees to confirm their willingness to serve;
d. Prepare the ballot;
e. Distribute the ballots;
f. Tally the votes.
Section 6. Elections shall be conducted according to the following parameters:
- Any parishioner who meets the membership requirements as listed in Article II may be nominated by another parishioner to serve on the Council.Nominations shall be solicited no earlier than the first Sunday in November.
- Ballots, including a brief resume of each candidate of the respective parish will be provided to all eligible registered parishioners.Voting shall take place on the first Sunday in December.
- In the event of a tie, the Election Committee will draw a name from the candidates who have tied for the final Council seat.
- The Council year will begin with the installation of new Council members at the January meeting following the annual election.
Section 1. The Officers will consist of a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary. The Officers will perform the customary duties of their respective office as follows:
A. The President
The President shall conduct the regular meetings of the Council. This includes preparing the agenda with the Pastor and making the arrangements for all special meetings.
B. The Vice-President
The Vice-President shall have the power and authority to perform all the functions and duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to perform such duties.
C. The Secretary
The Secretary will record minutes of all Council meetings which will become official after approval by the Council. The minutes will be published and made available after approval by the Council.
Section 2. The Officers are to be elected at the January Council meeting following the annual election. The term of office will be one year or until new Officers have been elected and installed.
Section 3. If any Officer other than the President vacates an office, the Council will elect another member of the Council to fill the unexpired term. In the event the President vacates the office, the Vice-President shall complete the unexpired term of the President. In the event the Vice-President or the Secretary vacates the office, a new officer will be elected to complete the unexpired term.
Section 1 All Council meetings will begin with appropriate prayer and reflection.
Section 2. The meeting will be at the St. Paul Parish Center or the St. Joseph Family Life Center or another location. The location of meetings will be designated by the Pastor.
Section 3. The meetings will be held at an agreed-upon time set by the Council.
Section 4. A simple majority of voting members constitutes a quorum of the Council
Section 5. Decisions of the Council will be made by a simple majority vote in the presence of a quorum.
Section 6. Each Council member shall be entitled to one vote. Proxy voting is not permitted.
Section 7. Regular attendance at all meetings is vitally important for the effective functioning of the Council. In the event any member is unable to attend a designated meeting, he/she shall notify the President or the Pastor in advance of the meeting. In the event any member has three absences in one calendar year, the Council will review the circumstances and may terminate membership of said member.
Section 8. Parishioners are welcomed and encouraged to attend all Council meetings excluding closed sessions. Visitors will not have the right to vote on items under consideration. Public comments will be welcome at the beginning of each meeting. The time allotted for public comment will be at the discretion of the President.
Section 9. The Council will provide for and arrange meetings of all parishioners as necessary.
Section 1. The adoption of the Pastoral Council By-Laws will require a two-thirds majority of the Council.
Section 2. A proposed amendment may be submitted and discussed at any regular meeting of the Council. Voting on the proposed amendment will take place at the next scheduled Council meeting. A two-thirds majority of the Council is required for an amendment to the By-Laws.
Section 1. Standing Committees are established to broaden the involvement of all parishioners and should reflect the Parish Partnership Mission and the following goals: to promote evangelization, stewardship and community building. A sense of cooperation between all committees should be fostered, resulting in a coordinated effort for total programming in the parishes. Standing Committees are the working arm of the Council. They are subordinate bodies that administer policies set forth by the Council. The Council will monitor and coordinate all Committee activities. Each standing and ad hoc committee will have a chairperson approved by the Council and as many members as deemed necessary.
Committees are created or eliminated, as needed, by a majority vote of the Council. Each committee will have a chairperson approved by the Council and as many members as deemed necessary for effective function.
A. Chairpersons are responsible for keeping the Council informed of their activities and submitting any budget requirements needed to function effectively. They shall also be available for Council meetings when requested or have another committee member present in the event they are unavailable.
B. Chairpersons shall maintain open lines of communication with the Diocesan agencies pertaining to their areas of responsibility.
Section 1. The Council meeting shall be conducted in an orderly manner and for the most part will follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
We the undersigned members of the Pastoral Council of St. Joseph/St. Paul Catholic Churches on the thirty-first day of January in the year of Our Lord two thousand and seventeen do hereby adopt this Constitution: