Everyone is welcome...
Liturgical Ministries
Where do you fit in?
Altar Servers - are members of a very special group of young people in our parish who have answered God’s call to ministry. Youth in the 3rd grade and above are invited to serve at Mass as Altar Servers.
Cantors - Adult Choir Musicians are needed to lead the congregation in song during our liturgies. Adult Choir - is active throughout the year. New members are always welcome. Children's Liturgy of the Word - Young people are invited to hear the Word of the Lord during 10:30 a.m. Mass. Volunteers present the Scriptures in a relaxed group setting. Eucharistic Ministers - Eucharistic Ministers assist with the distribution of the Eucharist during the Mass. It is a gift to be a Eucharistic Minister-to share the Body and Blood of Christ with another. The requirements are to be a fully initiated Catholic, having celebrated the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and First Eucharist. Hospitality Ministers - Ministers of hospitality greet parishioners as they come to Mass. They make people feel welcome by greeting them and helping them find seating. A hospitality minister also takes up the collection as well as distributing bulletins and straightening up the church after each Mass. Several ministers are needed at each service. The hospitality minister represents the community and acts like host and hostess with all the individuals who walk into St. Joseph Church. the hospitality ministers help to set the tone for fellowship in the spirit of Jesus. Come join us for a wonderful experience of meeting and greeting people. Lectors Ministers - serve as proclaimers of the Word of God and present the Prayers of the Faithful. Any parishioner of high school age or older is invited to volunteer for this important ministry. Persons in this ministry must have a strong voice as well as a willingness to study scripture and to practice readings in advance . Please consider sharing your talent. |
Loving God with Our Time, Talent, and Treasure
“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”
~Matthew 6:21